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hrorm 0.7.0 API

Hrorm is a concise, declarative, type-checked library for the creation of Data Access Objects (DAOs).

See: Description

Package Description
Hrorm provides a mechanism for building Dao objects.

Hrorm is a concise, declarative, type-checked library for the creation of Data Access Objects (DAOs).

Hrorm is an opinionated tool. To use it requires that your database schema and Java object model are set up in a particular way. Additionally, hrorm lacks many features (like caching and lazy-loading) that some ORM tools provide. Hrorm's philosophy is to make the easy stuff easy, and get out of the way in other cases.

To use hrorm the relationship between an entity's Java representation and database representation is defined using a DaoBuilder (or RelativeDaoDescriptor for immutable models) in order to create a Dao that can handle basic persistence and querying tasks.

Hrorm is a free software project.

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